SEO OnPage

Specialists in the internal optimization of your website: detection and correction of problems with structure, architecture, HTML code, etc.


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    • 30 minutes. Free and without obligation.

    • Expert team, no managers or coordinators.

    • Limited number of clients.

    • We use ControllerSEO to measure your success.

    • Experience in multiple sectors and countries.

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    1. Onpage Optimization Results

    264.000 528.000 800.000 Dic 15Oct 16ingenieroSEO30-jul-2016End of SEO Collaboration

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    2. What is the SEO Onpage?

    Also known as onSite SEO, Onpage SEO is the set of actions that are performed within your own website to improve and optimize its positioning in search engines. It covers from the technical optimization to the organization of the architecture of your website, including the indexation and the quality of the content.

    Today’s on-page SEO has great synergies with web analytics and user experience in each of the URLs of a website.

    3. Onpage factors to analyze


    If the content that you really want your users to find in the search engines is not indexed, we have a serious problem.

    Content and semantics:

    Is your content correctly optimized on a semantic level? Is it of quality for your potential customers? Is the relationship between the different contents correct? We apply Artificial Intelligence to analyze the websites.


    We must properly optimize all the meta tags we need, where the most famous are the title and description.

    Structured data:

    We must try to make search engines understand our content as well as possible.


    The structure of URLs could be a problem or not depending on how we define them in each project.


    Are they correctly implemented? Hierarchical? Fulfilling their purpose? Over-optimized? Fulfilling all of your user's search intentions?


    The loading speed of your website is important on any Internet connection. Image optimization, CSS, JS, HTML, server, database queries... we must optimize resources to the maximum and we will improve things as important as the conversion of our website.

    Internal linking:

    The link building is a fundamental SEO factor and not only external links count. Every internal link has value. Do we link correctly so that we don't lose strength in our main URLs?

    Log analysis:

    Do you really know what each search engine on your website is seeing? What it's been missing for a long time? What errors are being found in real time? We have a lot more valuable information here.

    Other factors:

    We can work a lot within our own website, let's not waste it.

    4. How can we help you grow?

    Align with your business, define objectives and detect errors that are reducing the impact of your SEO actions.

    SEO techniques are not the same as Technical SEO. One of the pillars of SEO is the technical part. Mastering it helps to improve organic results.

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    5. Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Onpage

    ¿Qué es SEO Onpage?

    All SEO actions carried out within our website aimed at improving search engine positioning and business profitability.

    What is the real impact of Onpage SEO?

    Each one of the recommendations to be implemented in a website must be prioritized and evaluated according to the SEO impact that through our experience we are able to estimate.


    1. Results

    2. Onpage SEO Definition

    3. Onpage factors

    4. How can we help you grow?

    5. Frequently Asked Questions

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